
Reel Affirmations Presents First Period

If John Waters were to direct a John Hughes film ... you would get this fun film!  Reel Affirmations Presents 'First Period' on Friday, October 17th  http://www.reelaffirmations.org/first_period  #LGBT #DC #camp #movies #fun


Center Bi Meetup Group

We are a coed Bisexual Group here to provide social interaction and support for bisexual men and women in the VA/DC/MD region in a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. We have brunches, dinners, happy hours, hikes, and more. Come join us! Check us out at: http://www.meetup.com/CenterBiNet

Find the DC Center on Flickr

Have you seen the DC LGBT Center Flickr page?  Find us at: http://www.flickr.com/thedccenter #DC #LGBT 


The DC Center on Pinterest

Are you on Pinterest?  So are we!  Check us out at http://www.pinterest.com/thedccenter #LGBT #DC #Pinterest 


Iona Senior Services

Iona stopped by the DC Center to share information and resources.  Iona supports people as they experience the challenges and opportunities of aging.  We educate, advocate, and provide community-based services to help people age well and live well.  We have found them to be a culturally competent and LGBT inclusive agency.  Find out more at www.iona.org #LGBT #DC #Aging #Seniors


Would you like to Cook Dinner?

Center Global hosts a monthly dinner and discussion for LGBT Asylees and Refugees who have fled Russia, Uganda, and other countries seeking asylum based on sexual orientation or gender identity expression.  Is your church or civic group looking for a volunteer opportunity?  How about providing dinner for our asylees and refugees?  Call the DC Center to learn more...


Center Military Reception TONIGHT

Center Military is a unique program to support LGBT Veterans, Servicemembers, and their Families. Join us TONIGHT to learn more! http://thedccenter.org/supporters_military.html #LGBT #DC #Veterans #Servicemembers

Suicide Prevention Resources

While the causes of suicide are are complex and determined by multiple factors, the goal of suicide prevention is simple: Reduce factors that increase risk and increase factors that promote RESILIENCE.  Learn more from our friends at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and remember the District of Columbia has a 24/7 Mental Health Access Helpline at  1(888)7WE-HELP or 1-888-793-4357 #LGBT #DC #RESILIENCE #HELP


Speed Dating for Gay Men on Thursday August 21st

 Are you open to meeting someone new?  Join us for speed dating for gay/bi men on Thursday August 21st at Chi-Cha Lounge - details at: http://goo.gl/vzIDq1 #gay #men #dating #romance #DC


See the Movie TEST

An astutely crafted 1985 period drama set in the gay Mecca of San Francisco, Test lovingly portrays this uniquely exciting and harrowing era as young Frankie (spectacularly lithe real-life dancer Scott Marlowe) navigates gay life in the big city.  See it August 15th at 7:00 PM or 9:15 PM at the HRC Equality Center #LGBT #DC #gayindc #movies #men


DiCción Queer Releases Ensayos de Papel Anthology

DiCción Queer, our Latino Queer Bilingual Writing Group celebrated the publication of their first anthology at #OutWrite2014 - Follow @centerlatinos on twitter for updates

#OutWrite2014 HIV and Storytelling Workshop

A big thank you to @AlexGarnerLA and Moises Agosto for the #OutWrite2014  Follow our DC Center HIV Working group at @fighthivindc (over 4,000 followers!)  #HIV #DC #fighthivindc #LGBT


OutWrite Black LGBT Writers Forum

One of the highlights of #outwrite2014 was the First Black LGBT Writers Forum.  Follow @centerblacklgbt on twitter for more great events for the African American LGBT Community (over 1,500 subscribers!) #Black #LGBT #DC #Writers #authors