
DC HIV Prevention Community Planning Group 3/8/2007 Update

The discussion around HAA's budget and its availability to CPG members continues. There seems to be no disagreement that the CPG should have access to this information to develop a comprehensive HIV prevention plan, yet requests for the info have not been answered to the CPG's satisfaction. Leo Rennie of DOH informed meeting attendees that the process of breaking down the budget information by specific categories is arduous, but basic budget info has been available to the CPG since September 2006.

To move forward on this issue, community co-chair A. Toni Young will provide HAA with a detailed chart that outlays how info should be broken down to the CPG for use towards developing the prevention plan. Also, DOH is making CDC awards now. Once this is complete, the CPG can expect to receive information on how the funds were designated by next full CPG meeting.

In other CPG news, A. Toni Young will be contacting the CDC project officer for DOH to schedule a time for her to meet with the CPG. This need for this meeting comes from the fact that the CPG submitted letters of non-concurrence to the CDCfor the last two years. In response, the CDC issued the CPG and HAA a corrective action plan. HAA reports completing all required actions; now the project officer requires an update from the CPG. Young will coordinate this meeting with the executive committee and more seasoned CPG members.

Also coming next month- a full update of the events from the UCHAPS conference and an update on the committee structure for the CPG. The executive committee met on this issue and will report to the full CPG with new committees and what the responsibilities these committees will have. Once new committees have been placed, the CPG looks to complete a work plan (to determine how the HIV Prevention Plan will be developed) within four months.

Join Youth Organizations in Support of Comprehensive Sex Education

In response to Mayor Fenty's recent proclamation declaring March 10-16 Abstinence Awareness Week, a coalition of organizations focused on the health of young people has written the enclosed sign-on letter regarding our concerns with abstinence-only education in DC Public Schools and our support for medically accurate, age-appropriate comprehensive sex education. The letter asks Mayor Fenty to catalog and then remove all abstinence-only groups and education taking place in DC Public Schools and to reject the $170,000 the District currently receive in federal funding for abstinence-only-until-marriage programs under Title V, Section 510 (b) of the Social Security Act.

Please review the document and let David Mariner know whether your organization would like to add their name to it by Friday, April 6.

* click here to download the letter
* If your organization would like to endorse the letter, send an e-mail to david[at]fighthivindc[dot]org.


April ACTION Newsletter Now Online

Just a quick note to let you know the ACTION April Newsletter is now online. See the April Newsletter as a PDF file right here. If you work for an HIV/AIDS service organization in DC, please print out copies to share with your clients.

And please be sure to join us for the April ACTION Lunch. Dr. Barney Graham from the NIH Vaccine Research Center will give a presentation on the state of HIV vaccine development. The lunch takes place on April 12th and begins at 1:00 PM at the DC CARE Consortium, 1156 15th Street NW, Suite 500.

click here to download the flyer for this event.

Lunch Provided. RSVP Required. To RSVP, click here.

Gay Men's Health & Wellness in the District

Did you know that in London and other cities, gay men are already asking doctors for the HPV Vaccine? The HPV Vaccine has been tested in women, and current studies are testing the vaccine for gay men. But some gay men, who believe it will benefit them, are already asking for it, and their doctors are giving it to them.

Now I'm not saying to go out and demand the HPV vaccine from your doctor. After all, there area reasons why we do clinical trials, and as far as I'm concerned, I can wait until this study is finished.

I do mention this, however, because it blows me away that these gay men are so well informed, and so proactive in asking for what they need to stay healthy.

Chris Rothermel, Jared Shenk, and I have been talking lately about gay men's health and wellness in the District of Columbia. We've talked about the HPV Vaccine Study, but we also talked about the fact that many gay men haven't received HEP vaccinations, which are currently available.

And of course we've talked about HIV. Including prevention strategies like post-exposure prophylaxis, circumcision, and research on potential new strategies like pre-exposure prophylaxis, vaccines, and microbicides.

And we've talked about why gay men sometimes make bad decisions about risky behavior or substance use. Things like self-esteem, depression, and isolation.

Gay men's health and wellness covers a broad, broad spectrum, and there are so many things we have yet to really fully explore in Washington DC.

We'd like to begin that discussion. We're planning to pull together a small group of folks to put together a survey for gay men in the District so we can better understand what issues are most important to you. We've also talked about doing a resource inventory so we better understand what services are currently available in the district.

We're definitely NOT looking to start a new group or a new organization.

But we are looking for a few kindred spirits who may be interested in being part of this effort.

If you're interested - please shoot me an e-mail (or post a comment below) and let's get started.


Update on the Mayor's Summit

Here's a quick update on the Mayor's Summit. First off, I was told today that all the Community Planning Group Members and all the Ryan White Planning Council Members should have received an invitation. So if you're part of those groups, and you haven't gotten your invite, definitely follow up on it.

The organizers also emphasized that this is in fact invitation-only and they won't be able to accomodate folks who show up without an invitation. This is unfortunate because an exclusive-event is not really the summit we asked for, and we still don't know all the details on who is and who isn't invited. In the spirit of cooperation, though, we're going to work with what we have, and try and make it as productive a meeting as possible.

If you are aren't invited, rather than showing up, please submit your comments and suggestions to either Alex (dcfightsback[at]gmail[dot]com), Larry (bryant2[at]housingworks[dot]org, or Me (david[at]fighthivindc[dot]org). We will take your concerns with you and debrief with folks at the first C2EA-DC meeting after the summit.

And if you're frustrated that you can't be part of this event, please mark May 17th on your calendars. Several area organizations are co-sponsoring a community Speak Out on HIV/AIDS in DC. The Speakout will take place Thursday May 17th at 7:00 PM at the Westminster Presbyterian Church (401 I Street SW). This is close to the Waterfront-SEU Metro Stop. We're actively looking for organizations to co-sponsor this event and individuals to help us organize it, so please contact me if you're interested.

And even if you can't be part of this event, I know that Alex and George at DC Fights Back and Danielle and Larry at C2EA-DC, and all of us really are 100% committed to hearing what you have to say.

Thank You Whitman-Walker Clinic

Earlier this week I went to the Whitman-Walker Clinic Gay Men's Health and Wellness Clinic to support a friend who was getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV. (He said I could blog about him, but I won't use his name. In addition to HIV tests, the clinic offers rapid syphilis screening along with screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea.

As it turns out my friend did have an STD. He was able to get a shot right there on the spot, and was given some medication which fit discreetly in the pocket of his jeans. He was also able to talk things through with someone who was really listening.

I think just about all of us know someone who puts themselves at risk for HIV. It completely sucks. To be honest, I can't help but feel a little bit like a a failure as a friend.

But at a moment like this I'm so grateful that the clinic exists, and that the staff and volunteers are so very helpful, non-judgemental, and supportive.



Earlier I posted that the new HAA condoms had identitical packaging for the regular condoms and the large condoms. HAA tells me, however, that the big condoms have a white background, while the regular size condoms have a yellow background. No doubt it would have been better to have the large condoms labeled as large so as to avoid any unpleasant last minute suprises in the bedroom. Still, I apparently got this wrong and I apologize. I'll be volunteering next week putting together safer-sex packets - so I'll be seeing plenty of these condoms shortly, both large and otherwise. : )

The Mayor's Summit on HIV/AIDS Will Take Place

Campaign to End AIDS Metro-DC and DC Fights Back. met Monday March 26th. To download the minutes from our meeting, click here.

The bulk of the meeting was focused on the Mayors Summit on HIV/AIDS. Yep. That's right. After a little prodding from this blog and of course from dcist.com, the Mayor's office has decided to make good on a campaign pledge to hold a summit on HIV. It may not be exactly in the first 90 days of his administration, but that's hardly worth mentioning.

The general consensus at C2EA-DC was that it would be great if everyone was invited to participate in this meeting, but unfortunately it looks like it will be invitation only. If you haven't received an invitation and you would like to be there, I would encourage you to contact the Mayor's office directly, or if your more inclined to direct action, you could just show up the day of the event and request your place at the table.

Members of C2EA and DC Fights Back have worked together to articulate our goals for the meeting, which are spelled out in detail in the meeting but basically we are looking for:

1. A full update on the hiring of a new HAA Director including a timeline (or deadline), criteria being used to evaluate candidates, and vehicle for community input.

2. A commitment to full community participation at this meeting (everyone who shows up should be invited to participate).

3. A clear commitment from HAA to provide all requested information to the HIV Community Planning Group and Ryan White Planning Council in a timely manner without excuses or delays, so that these community planning bodies can do their jobs. This includes budgetary information the CPG currently needs.

4. A commitment from Mayor Adrian Fenty to speak out publically about our HIV/AIDS epidemic. This includes declaring a State of Emergency in the District, joining other elected officials like Eleanor Holmes Norton and publically take an HIV test on National HIV Testing Day, Being visible at important events like National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (which the Mayor did nothing for),

5. A plan for ongoing communication between the Ryan White Planning Council, the HIV Community Planning Group, HAA, and the Mayor's office. Better communication through the HAA website, specifically including Planning Council Information (there is nothing), Grievance Procedure information (there is nothing), and CPG information.

I think these are realistic and achievable goals, and I look forward to the meeting.

The next meeting of the DC Metro C2EA will be Monday, April 2, 2007 at 6pm in the living room of the Austin Center at the Whitman-Walker Clinic (1407 S street, NW). Please join us, as we continue to plan for the summit. As always, if you're not on the C2EA Metro DC Yahoo Group, please click here to join now


The Four Month Goals

On April 5th, this site will hit the eight-month mark. I'll be reporting on the goals I set for the site four months ago.

I'll also be posting goals for the future, and I would very much like to hear from you. What goals should we include? What could I be doing better? What would you like to see more of? Please drop me a line (or post a comment below) and let me know.

We've hit most of our four month goals, but there is one I'm a little worried about. One of the goals was to increase the number of folks on the C2EA-MetroDC Yahoo Group from 15 to over 100. We've had 10 new members join today (yea!) bringing the total up to 61, but there is still a way to go. There's a few days yet, please join the yahoo group, and encourage your friends to do the same.

Washington Blade Profiles David Von Storch

Local business owner David Von Storch is profiled in the most recent Washington Blade. Von Storch, owner of Capitol City Brewing Company and the new Vida Fitness health clubs, talks about his experience living with HIV for the past 19 years:

AS WITH MOST healthy HIV-positive people today, there’s nothing remotely “sickly” about von Storch’s appearance. One glance reveals a body accustomed to time spent at the gym. Since 1997, von Storch’s viral load has been undetectable. The viral load test, taken every three months, measures the amount of the virus present in the blood. This current healthy state wasn’t something handed to him, though.

In the early years after his diagnosis, von Storch, like so many others, participated in innumerable drug trials as a way to get any kind of treatment available, and he also went to see a nutritionist for more information about the interface between the disease and his diet.

“I learned that the reserves of your immune system are stored in your lean muscle mass,” he says. “If I stayed away from all fried foods, all dairy products and trans fats, that was the simplest way for me, upon a daily basis, to monitor my food.”
Read the entire article here


C2EA DC Meeting Monday March 26

The next C2EA Metro DC Meeting will take place on Monday, March 26th at 6:30 PM. We'll be meeting in the conference room on the 2nd floor of the WWC administrative building, 1407 S Street, NW.

We will be talking about the upcoming summit on HIV/AIDS in DC, the speakout we're planning for May, and much more.

And of course, if you're not already signed up, please be sure to Join the C2EA Metro DC Yahoo Group


DC Area HIV/AIDS Consumer Advocacy Project

What do you do if you don't know where to go to access services for people living with HIV/AIDS such as medical, legal, financial, and other supportive services? Where do you go if you having difficulty accessing services at a local HIV/AIDS organization? Well, now you have the Consumer Advocacy Project.

The Consumer Advocacy Project is a project of the National Association of People with AIDS and is funded throught the DC HIV/AIDS Administration. If you have a question, or you have an unresolved grievance with a local HIV/AIDS service provider, you can call the toll free number (1-866-846-9366) or e-mail advocate@napwa.org.

I'm really glad to see this program launch, but to be honest, I'm a little concerned that nobody seems to even know it exists. NAPWA has been funded to do this work for the past four months, and there isn't even a word about the program mentioned either on the NAPWA website or the HAA website. That's disappointing. When you hear me talking about how we can do better, this is the type of thing I'm talking about.

Please help me in spreading the word about this program, by distributing this flyer. Click here to download the flyer. Make copies and be sure to share them with your friends, and to post them up your agency, organization, church, school, bar, or wherever you can.


DC HIV/AIDS Research Community Advisory Boards Post Open Letter

Three Washington DC Community Advisory Boards for HIV/AIDS Research have written a joint letter addressing sex and gender data collection in HIV/AIDS research. The letter is being posted online for one month so that interested CABS and community members can sign-on. All sign-ons must be received by May 11th. The letter will then be submitted to the Cross-CAB Working Group for NIH NIAID Division of AIDS (DAIDS) funded HIV/AIDS Research.

The three CABs are: The Capital Area Vaccine Effort which serves as the community CAB for the NIH Vaccine Research Center, The Georgetown University Medical Center CAB which is part of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group, and the Washington VA Medical Center CAB, which is part of the International Network for Strategic Initiatives in Global HIV Trials.

Most researchers have come to realize that the term 'sex' refers to birth sex or biological sex; and that the term 'gender' refers to someone's gender identity. This was discussed in detail at the Forum for Collaborative HIV/AIDS Research meeting on Sex and Gender, which I attended back in 2003. I guess I thought that since the meeting was co-sponsored by the CDC and the NIH that we would all be on the same page going forward. Sadly, their continues to be significant discrepancies across networks in how data on sex and gender is collected.

All we are really asking is for DAIDS to get their act together and collect data on sex and gender in a consistent and appropriate manner. This is the right thing to do for everyone, but it is particularly important for the transgender community.

You can find out more by clicking here. I hope that you will join us by signing on to the letter either as an individual or as an organization.


Capital Area Vaccine Effort Meeting April 10th

Please join us for the next meeting of the Capital Area Vaccine Effort(CAVE)on April 10th at 6:30 PM. We'll be meeting at the DC CARE Consortium, 1156 15th Street NW, Suite 500.

CAVE is the community advisory board for the Vaccine Research Center, and at this meeting we're going to be looking at a new VRC research protocol (yeah, we were going to do this last month, but weren't able to). We'll also be discussing plans for AIDS Vaccine Awareness Day. It's not necessary to RSVP for this meeting, but if you'd like you can RSVP here.


Adrian Fenty's State of the District Speech

Mayor Adrian Fenty will be giving a State of the District address in Ward 8. Mayor Fenty will lay out his vision for the District and explain what he's done since taking office in January. We all know that we'd like to see Mayor Fenty do more to fight HIV/AIDS in DC. In fact, we're still waiting for a substantive response to the Letter from Campaign to End AIDS DC to Adrian Fenty.

The speech takes place today, Wednesday, March 21st, starting at 12:00 pm at the Congress Heights Senior Wellness Center, 3500 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue SE.

I probably won't be able to make it - but if you can please do, and let us know what Adrian Fenty says about HIV/AIDS in this speech.


DC Emancipation Day: Voting Rights March April 16th

Please join me on April 16th, DC Emancipation Day, for the Voting Rights March. This march will be hands down, the largest demonstration ever for DC Voting Rights.

This march is about voting rights for the District of Columbia, which has the potential to transform politics in our city. I've posted before on how the extraordinary control prevents us from making our own decisions about how to best fight HIV/AIDS in the district including the issues of needle exchange, and medical marijuana. Getting voting rights won't change this overnight, but I do believe that once Eleanor Holmes Norton has a VOTE (and not just a presence) in Congress, she will be able to much more effectively advocate for us on the hill.

Folks will be gathering at Freedom Plaza starting at 2:30 PM. The Rally will then take place starting at 4:00 PM at the Capitol Hill Reflecting Pool. For more information visit: www.votingrightsmarch.org


Pills Profits Protest: Film and Discussion on the Global AIDS Movement

The Youth AIDS Team presents "Pills Profits Protest," a documentary on the global AIDS access to treatment campaign. Film (60 minutes) will be followed by a panel discussion with speakers from the World Bank, PAHO and the University Coalitions for Global Health. Thursday, March 22nd, 12:30pm to 2:00pm, at 1850 I St. NW, in Room I1-200. Please RSVP to Mary Beth Levin at mlevin@worldbank.org.

Open House at Joseph's House

Joseph’s House invites our friends in DC, Virginia and Maryland to drop by and meet the community of Joseph’s House and see and feel this welcoming home you have supported with your prayers and financial gifts for so long. There will be food and music and most of all, the chance to meet one another.

For those who don't know, the mission of Joseph's House is to provide a home, nursing services, and community for formerly homeless men and women in metropolitan Washington DC who are terminally ill and in the last weeks or months of their illness. Their primary mission is to those living with HIV/AIDS. To find out more, check out their website at: www.josephshouse.org.

The open house takes place Tuesday, March 27, 2007 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Joseph's House is located at 1730 Lanier Place, NW. To RSVP for this event e-mail tommy[at]josephshouse[dot]org or call Tommy at (202) 328-9161.

Community Discussion: HIV & Drug Use

The MWPHA Disparities Committee and DC Fights Back are organizing a community discussion on drugs and HIV this Saturday at Washington Highlands Library (115 Atlantic St. SW) from noon til 2:30 PM.

click here to download the flyer for this event


HIV Testing & Vaccine Research: Letter to Dr. Gregg Pane

Earlier this week I posted on the issues around HIV vaccine study volunteers and HIV testing in the district. To update everyone, members of the Capital Area Vaccine Effort (CAVE) have submitted this letter to Dr. Gregg Pane at the Department of Health.

I'm pretty confident that the necessary information can be easily integrated into current training for folks who so HIV testing in the district. I'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, read more about this issue and other information about HIV Vaccine Research at the CAVE website: www.aidsvaccine.org.


Fenty ‘abstinence’ Proclamation Criticized

Local gay and AIDS activists expressed concern about a proclamation issued in Washington last week by Mayor Adrian Fenty that calls for educating young people about “abstinence from sex before marriage.”

continue reading this Washington Blade article on the Blade website

Global Women's Leadership in HIV/AIDS Workshop

The National Minority AIDS Council—in partnership with the Centre for Development and Population Activities, Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS, and the International Center for Research on Women—invites you and other women colleagues to apply to participate in the Global Women's Leadership in HIV/AIDS Workshop, held July 16-August 10, 2007 in Washington, D.C.

The workshop intends to build the leadership, advocacy and technical expertise of women working on the frontlines against AIDS and to improve the capacity of the organizations they work in to meet the real needs of women impacted by HIV/AIDS. The National Minority AIDS Council is extremely interested in encouraging minority women in the United States to become more involved in advocating for the needs of women of color impacted by HIV/AIDS in the global arena.

Please additional information and an application please contact Deborah B. McKinney at 202 234-5120 ext 315, or dmckinney[at]nmac[dot]org. Please note that the application must be completed and received by March 30, 2007.


Transgender Health Empowerment Pageant

I had a great time last night at the Transgender Health Empowerment Pageant and Fundraiser held at Cada Vez. Here I am in the pictured on the left with the amazing activist Ruby Corado. You can see more pictures from the event here.

Transgender Health Empowerment (T.H.E.) is a great organization in DC focused on the health and well being of the Transgender (and bisexual, lesbian, and gay) community. Transgender Health Empowerment provides HIV prevention services as well as support services for those living with HIV/AIDS in DC.

These services are crucial. In a Washington DC Survey of the transgender community, 25% of all participants self-reported as HIV positive, while 22% said they did not know their HIV status. (The Washington Transgender Needs Assessment Survey. Jessica M. Xavier, Principal Investigator, Gender Education and Advocacy, Inc., Implemented by Us Helping Us-People into Living, Inc., Ron Simmons, PhD., Executive Director, Funded by the Administration for HIV and AIDS of the District of Columbia Government).

Kudos to the Gertrude Stein Democrats

Kudos to the Gertrude Stein Democrats. The Stein Democrats were one of the many organizations in DC that testified in support of Smoke-Free Workplace legislation. Now, they are taking their support of smoke-free workplaces to a new level. They decided at their last meeting:

"The Gertrude Stein Democratic Club will not sponsor, co-sponsor or send a representative to any indoor venue that permits smoking, including the National Democratic Club; and

The Gertrude Stein Democratic Club calls on that the National Democratic Club to withdraw its application for an exemption to the Department of Health Functions Clarification Amendment Act of 2006 and prohibit smoking inside of the club; and

The Gertrude Stein Democratic Club calls on the D.C. Democratic State Committee to likewise not sponsor, co-sponsor or send a representative to any indoor venue that permits smoking, including the National Democratic Club, and demand that the National Democratic Club to prohibit indoor smoking."
You can read the whole resolution right here. I've written often on this blog about why second-hand smoke hurts all of us, but it is particularly deadly for people living with HIV.

I'm thrilled to see Gertrude Stein Democrats taking a strong stand on this issue.


HIV Testing & HIV Vaccine Research

The renewed focus on HIV Testing in the District is a good thing. After all, national data suggests 1 of every 4 people who are HIV positive don't know their status. And the sooner people know their status and get into treatment, the more likely a good outcome is.

It becomes a problem, however, when the people doing HIV testing aren't aware of the specific issues relevant to HIV vaccine research trial participants. A recent incident at the University of Chicago illustrates just how bad things can get when those giving HIV tests don't have the facts on HIV vaccine research (click here to download the PDF on the Chicago example).

Long story short, this individual was pressured to take an HIV test despite the fact that she told her doctor she was in a trial and didn't want one (this particular Doctor refused to give out birth-control without an HIV test). She then was told she was HIV positive even though she wasn't (it was a false-positive which can sometimes happen with trial volunteers). Getting this information caused her much unneccessary stress and also jeopardized the study by exposing which arm of the study she was in. Finally, after researchers contacted her medical provider to clear things up, she had difficulty getting the inaccurate HIV diagnosis removed from her medical records. This is an unneccesary and unacceptable outcome that we clearly want to avoid in the District of Columbia.

I am one of literally hundreds of current and former HIV vaccine trial participants in our area. It's crucial that those doing testing are informed about us. There's a lot of stuff I'd like folks doing testing to know, but if I had to boil it down to a few key points, here they are:

HIV Testing Counselors should be made aware that participation in an HIV vaccine trial can potentially alter the outcome of an ELISA and/or Western Blot HIV test.

Current HIV vaccine trial participants should not be tested for HIV at local clinics, but should always be referred to their trial site for HIV testing.

Former trial participants should continue to get tested at their research site until advised by researchers to do otherwise.

Further it is important to emphasize that you cannot make any assumptions about someone's HIV status based on the fact that they are currently in a trial.

For a more indepth look at what local HIV/AIDS organizations should know about HIV Vaccine research, please review this document: 'HIV/AIDS Service Organizations & HIV Prevention Vaccine Research'. This document was written a few years back by myself and other members of the Capital Area Vaccine Effort. I updated the document and we reviewed it at the CAVE meeting last night. It's also available on the CAVE website.

Click here to download 'HIV/AIDS Service Organizations & HIV Prevention Vaccine Research'. Please be sure to print it out and share it with folks who do counseling and testing in the District. CAVE will also be writing a letter to DOH to encourage this information be included and emphasized in training programs those conducting HIV tests.

City Year DC to Double Size of HIV/AIDS Outreach Team

This morning I got up (early!) for a breakfast at City Year DC. City Year DC unites a diverse group of 17 to 24 year-olds for a year of full-time, team-based community service. One of sixteen City Year sites located across the country, City Year Washington, DC helps children and youth succeed, develops leaders, and improves the community.

On of several projects at City Year DC is the HOPE team, a partnership between City Year and Metro Teen AIDS, which works to address and prevent the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the DC community by educating young people about the dangers of HIV/AIDS and how the infection is spread. City Year corps members deliver an 9-week curriculum entitled Making Proud Choices. This CDC-approved curriculum is specifically designed to increase the knowledge of young people about HIV/AIDS, to prevent infection, and to develop positive attitudes about safe sex.

Building on the momentum created by the curriculum, the HOPE Team supports, educates and empowers students to launch after-school clubs focused on promoting healthy choices called “Visionary Youth Becoming Empowered” (VYBE). VYBE clubs are currently active at Eastern High School and Bell Multicultural High School.

I was excited to learn this morning that City Year plans to double the size of the HOPE team in the next year going from 10 to 20 people. This will give them the opportunity to reach even more DC public school students.

Education about HIV and AIDS in DC public schools varies widely depending about what school you are talking about.

I'm glad to see this program growing. I also believe there is a tremendous amount we can learn from the Project Hope Team. I would love to learn more about their experience approaching schools, their thoughts on why some DC schools don't offer comprehensive HIV/AIDS education programs, and their thoughts on standards for DC public schools around HIV/AIDS.

There should be opportunity to have this dialogue at the CDC mandated DC Department of Education HIV/AIDS Program Review Panel. But as we know in DC, even if the CDC mandates it, it doesn't mean the meetings actually take. This group is supposed to meet at least twice a year. I've asked to be notified of meetings, and as far as I know they haven't met in the past eight months (If anybody knows who I can contact at the CDC to let them know their mandated meetings aren't happening, please tell me!).

This to me is just another example of the lack of leadership on HIV/AIDS in the District of Columbia. It's why we need a new Director of the HIV/AIDS Administration as quickly as possible, and why we need a Mayor who is willing to take action on HIV/AIDS.


Andromeda Transcultural Health HIV Testing Poster

The folks at Andromeda Transcultural Health have created a poster to get the word out about their HIV testing program. Click here to download the poster. Then post it up anywhere you think folks might be interested. For information on other HIV testing sites in the city, click here.

Housing Briefing on the Hill

The National AIDS Housing Coalition (NAHC) invites you to a briefing on housing programs serving persons living with HIV/AIDS, including Housing Opportunities for People Living With AIDS (HOPWA).

This is an excellent opportunity for people who receive HOPWA or related services, or people who need them, to express your opinions and tell your stories about the importance of safe housing for people who are living with HIV/AIDS.

This briefing will examine the current national and local policy issues around housing for people living with HIV/AIDS, including funding priorities, and provide and opportunity for Q&A with local AIDS housing providers and clients (including C2EA/DC).

*Lunch will be provided*

Friday, March 16th 2007

12:00 - 1:30pm

Rayburn House Office Building B354

Please contact Larry Bryant to RSVP - 202 419 9810


CAVE Meeting Tuesday March 13th

Please join us for the next meeting of the Capital Area Vaccine Effort(CAVE)on March 13th at 6:30 PM. We'll be meeting at the DC CARE Consortium, 1156 15th Street NW, Suite 500.

CAVE is the community advisory board for the Vaccine Research Center, and at this meeting we're going to be looking at a new VRC research protocol. We'll also be discussing plans for AIDS Vaccine Awareness Day.

DCist Blog Post on Mayor Fenty

Building on this post I wrote last week, DCist.com has a post up right now about Adrian Fenty's Response to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic. Be sure to check it out.

Metro Teen AIDS Art Auction

Save the Date! The Metro Teen AIDS 14th Annual Art & Articles Auction will take place Thursday, June 14, 2007 at the Embassy of Finland. Come for an evening of music, open bar and light fare and the chance to bid on the best DC has to offer!

The ticket price of $100 will benefit www.metroteenaids.org. Look for more information on the Metro Teen AIDS website in the coming months.


Damien Ministries Retreat August 27-30

Damien Ministries will be hosting a retreat for people living with HIV/AIDS from August 27-30. They invite you to: "Discover the meaning of God and spirituality for yourself within the HIV/AIDS experience; focus on spiritual growth that encourages learning, healing, relaxation, and fun, surround yourself in a time, place, and commmunity of grace and care."

More information is available on the Damien Ministries Website. The application deadline is August 15th.


Adrian Fenty's Failure to Lead on HIV/AIDS

As many of you know, the Campaign to End AIDS Metro-DC submitted a letter to Adrian Fenty back on February 2nd, 2007. Disappointingly, we are still waiting on a response. We got a form letter back saying we could expect to hear from someone. More recently I was told that we would receive a written response this week but at this point, it seems unlikely that will happen.

This is the latest in a series of disappointments. With Adrian Fenty's first 100 Days more than half over, it is clear that he has failed to lead on HIV/AIDS in the District. Let's review:

1. Adrian Fenty dismissed HIV/AIDS Administration Director Marsha Martin without having a replacement in mind, leaving the agency floating adrift without a full-time, devoted Director. Department of Health head Gregg Pane has temporarily added responsibility of the HIV/AIDS Administration to his currently full plate, but his part time efforts are not sufficient. And sadly, some decisions are being held up until a new Director is selected.

2. Fenty's 100 Day Plan said almost nothing about HIV/AIDS, and the goals that were related to HIV/AIDS were vague at best.

3. Mayor Adrian Fenty failed to keep his Campaign Promise to hold a summit meeting on HIV/AIDS in the first 90 days of his administration.

Some Mayors get to choose the issues they work on; they get to select what they want to be remembered for. Other Mayors are forced to respond to the pressing emergencies of their time. Make no mistake Mayor Fenty, you will be remembered for how you respond to the HIV/AIDS emergency in DC. So far, your record is not looking good.


Today's ACTION Lunch

Today I hosted the monthly ACTION Lunch. Laura Otolski, a diettician from Food & Friends, did an amazing job covering the topic of nutritional issues for people living with HIV. We even tried to make the food a little healthier, this time with Whole Foods catering the event. The menu included smoked salmon wraps, chicken wraps, and veggie wraps, plenty of fresh cut fruits and vegetables, and tabouli.

I also surveyed folks who attended to see what topics they'd like to see us talk about in the future. I still have to go through all the surveys but a preliminary look .... On the HIV prevention side, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PREP) research and circumcision as an HIV prevention strategy appear to be hot topics. On the treatment side the two hot topics appear to be HIV and depression, and the relationship between HIV and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and party drugs.

The next two ACTION lunches, however, are already planned. In April Dr. Barney Graham will be speaking about HIV Vaccine Research, and in May Dr. Fred Gordin will be give a presentation entitled "When is it SMART to Start HIV Treatment?".

Please take a moment and click here to download the flyer for these events and be sure to post it up at your church, your agency, your grocery store, and wherever you think people may be interested.

Oh ... and more pictures from the event are posted on the Fight HIV in DC Flickr Page. I've also had requests to put Laura's presentation online - so I will check with her and see if we can make that happen.

Now go out to a nice restaurant and support Food & Friends at Dining Out for Life tonight! As for me, if I still have the energy, I'm going to tonight's CPG Meeting.


Quick. What are you doing the last weekend of March?

Quick. What are you doing the last weekend of March? How would you like to help save the lives of young black men and get a free trip in the process? You can. It's not too late to sign up for the "Ebony Distinctions" retreat hosted by Us Helping Us, People into Living Inc. (UHUPIL) and Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL). This important retreat will help educators and prevention workers to create HIV prevention strategies specifically tailored to young men of color.

Although there will be other retreats over the next 7 months, the first one takes place the weekend of , March 30th to April 1st . Those who sign up will get an all-expense paid trip to a resort. During the weekend, you can help researchers understand more about our community and take advantage of this rare but important opportunity to make a difference.

How do you feel about the major issues affecting our community like HIV/AIDS, STDs, drug abuse, and mental health? What does community mean? Do we have a community? If so, what defines it? Who is in it? Those are some of the questions that many of you have been asking for quite some time. Now you have a chance to provide answers that will make a difference.

“Ebony Distinctions” is a program created to find out your answers to these questions and to start building a community ... whatever we decide that means. It's time for us to define community ourselves and to answer questions that will help build, save and heal the community we all want.

Your tax dollars support "Ebony Distinctions" and you should benefit from it. We are seeking black men who want to talk about these issues. We’re looking for black men who want to save other black men. And they are looking for black men who want to have some fun with other black men at a luxury resort.

Here are the details below.

An all expense paid trip

First Retreat: March 30th –April 1st.
there will be a total of four (4) retreats over the next 7 months. Even if you aren't available for the first retreat you should call now to sign up for future retreats.

An interactive, fun-filled weekend with other black men.

A chance to:
1) getaway from the city
2) fellowship with other brothers who have similar interests
3) discuss some problems and solutions affecting our community
4) personal enrichment and healing.

A preach session or academic or clinical information session.
Public (your participation is confidential)

1. Participants must complete an initial interview and questionnaire, which is set up by appointment at your convenience.

2. An orientation will be held 3 days before the retreat.

To schedule your initial interview and sign up for this very important initiative, please contact Kenya Hutton at:




Activities Available at the Resort:
Golf, Swimming & Racquetball, Full Service Spa & Fitness Center, Equestrian & Stables, Skating & Skiing. In addition, there will be social activities and events planned by the coordinators.

DC HIV Community Planning Group Meeting on Thursday

The DC HIV Prevention Community Planning Group will hold a full committee meeting on March 8th, 2007 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm. The meeting will be held at 64 New York Avenue, NE - 1st Floor Conference Room. Parking is available at this location after 5:30pm. To gain access through the security gate push 3# on the call box and mentioned that you are attending the CPG Meeting. It is also assessable by rail (red line NY Ave.Station) and by bus (90, 92, and 80 route).

Even if you are not a member of the DC HIV Prevention Community Planning Group, you are welcome to come to this meeting. The CPG is comprised of people living with HIV/AIDS, those at high risk for HIV, and representatives of affected populations from the community, as well as epidemiologists, behavioral and social scientists, HIV/AIDS service providers, health department staff, and other representatives of organizations that serve persons with, or at risk for, HIV infection. All members work as a team to analyze the course of the HIV epidemic in the District of Columbia, assess and prioritize HIV prevention needs, identify HIV prevention interventions to meet those needs, and develop a comprehensive HIV prevention plan the District of Columbia.


Circumcision Studies Warrant Response from HIV/AIDS Administration

Two studies recently published in the Lancet both reach the same conclusion: men who are not circumcised are much more likely to acquire HIV through heterosexual sex than man who are circumcised.

This doesn't change the fact that abstinence is the only 100% effective way to prevent HIV. It doesn't change the fact that for the rest of us, condoms are highly effective in preventing HIV. But of course not all of us are perfect all of the time, which is why the epidemic continues to grow. So circumcision can offer men another tool to lower their risk for HIV.

These studies took place in Kenya and Uganda. And given the high rates of HIV in those countries, circumcision efforts are expected to quickly become an integrated part of HIV prevention in those countries.

But what about the District of Columbia?

Our HIV rates are comparable with those of Sub-Saharan Africa. And while we don't know how many men are circumcised in DC, we do know from national data that rates of circumcision among African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Immigrant Populations are all relatively low. This suggests to me that there are many men (of all ages) in DC

Circumcision could be an important tool in our fight against HIV in the District of Columbia, if we take action.

I've compiled information about HIV and Circumcision in DC on this page, which includes a fact sheet with all the basic information and citations.

Please download the fact sheet now by clicking here

Read it over. Think about it. Share it with others. In the coming week I'll be adding additional posts about male circumcision in DC and how we can take action.

Compelling new data such as this calls for an immediate response from the HIV/AIDS Administration. Let's make sure that happens.

What Adrian Fenty Promised To Do

This is simply a direct quote from Adrian Fenty's Campaign Position Paper (emphasis mine).

"Within the first 90 days of my administration, I will convene a HIV/AIDS summit of government, faith, and community-based organization leaders to develop a comprehensive strategy to tackle the epidemic. The Mayor's Task Force on HIV/AIDS would play an important part in the Summit and it would continue to meet regularly and be part of the oversight of implementation of action items. Further, I would direct the Summit members to focus on funding issues. The District must bill for and receive every federal dollar that is available for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS."

What happened?


Gay Men: Let's Talk About Rectal Microbicides

What is a microbicide you might ask? In this context it's a foam, or a gel, or a liquid, that can be applied vaginally or rectally to assist in HIV prevention.

It's an exciting area of HIV prevention research. Condoms are essential to HIV prevention, but prevention can't be only about condoms. HIV vaccine research, HIV microbicide research, PREP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) research are all crucial. New studies also make it clear that circumcision can also reduce your risk for HIV.

Simply put, we need every possible tool at our disposal to prevent HIV. Watch this video to learn more about rectal microbicide research. To find out more about microbicide research in general, visit The Global Campaign for Microbicides. To find out more about rectal microbicide research, visit the International Rectal Microbicide Working Group.

AIDS Watch

Each spring, hundreds of AIDS advocates from across the U.S. travel to the nation's capital to speak to their elected officials with a strong voice, united in support of a solid federal commitment to AIDS programs. AIDSWatch focuses on federal support sufficient to meet the need for domestic and global prevention, care and treatment, research and housing. All people living with HIV deserve comprehensive care and treatment. All people at risk of HIV infection deserve effective prevention services.

Join AIDSWatch, the largest annual constituent-based Federal HIV/AIDS advocacy and education event in the U.S. Participants include people living with HIV and AIDS, their families, friends, care providers, and other advocates. AIDSWatch is a project of the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA). Many other national organizations concerned about HIV and AIDS also participate in the planning, funding and support of this event.

Please save the dates April 23-25. Full details will be available soon on the NAPWA website.


We're Here, and We're Fighting

Housing Works has this great blog post about the birth of the Campaign to End AIDS Metro DC Chapter.

After meeting for several months now, we've met all the criteria to become an official chapter. We jumped the last hurdle at our last meeting when we elected co-chairs. Our amazing co-chairs are Larry Bryant and Danielle Pleasant. Here's an excerpt from the article:

"Once it starts mobilizing area PWAs, the D.C. C2EA folks will address head-on their city's out-of-control epidemic and push for a state of emergency to be declared there. The District's HIV rates rank among the worst in the nation with an estimated one in 20 of the city's 500,000 residents infected. The annual rate of new AIDS cases is ten times higher than the national average.

The city's response has often been weak and bungled, with understaffed and poorly coordinated efforts, especially in programs servicing the city's youth and at-risk groups. A top priority for C2EA D.C. is to ensure that the position of director of HIV/AIDS administration at the Department of Health is filled.

Pleasant also wants to make a big push for HIV education in schools. "We need it starting at a young age. Our kids are having sex at 13 or 14, if not younger, and they're putting themselves at risk for STDs and HIV. Schools want to teach health, but they don't want to talk about sex or HIV," she says.

Get involved! Please join us for the next meeting.

Two Great Articles

There are two great articles in this week's MetroWeekly worth checking out.

First, there is an article covering this week's community forum on crystal meth that I blogged about yesterday.

Second, there is an article covering this month's ACTION lunch.